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APMD(8) OpenBSD System Manager's Manual APMD(8)
apmd - Advanced Power Management monitor daemon
apmd [-d] [-s] [-a] [-q] [-t seconds] [-S sockname] [-f devname]
apmd monitors the advanced power management (APM) pseudo-device, acting
on signaled events and upon user requests as sent by the apm(8) program.
For suspend and standby request events delivered by the BIOS, or via
apm(8), apmd runs the appropriate configuration program (if one exists),
syncs the buffer cache to disk and initiates the requested mode. When
resuming after suspend or standby, apmd runs the appropriate configura-
tion program (if one exists). For power status change events, apmd
fetches the current status and reports it via syslog(3) with logging fa-
cility LOG_DAEMON.
apmd announces the transition to standby mode with a single high tone on
the speaker (using the /dev/speaker device). Suspends are announced with
two high tones.
apmd periodically polls the APM driver for the current power state. If
the battery charge level changes substantially or the external power sta-
tus changes, the new status is logged. The polling rate defaults to once
per 10 minutes, but may be specified using the -t command-line flag.
If the -s flag is specified, the current battery statistics are reported
via syslog(3) and apmd exits without monitoring the APM status.
If the -a flag is specified, any BIOS-initiated suspend or standby re-
quests are ignored if the system is connected to line current and not
running from batteries (user requests are still honored).
If the -d flag is specified, apmd enters debug mode, logging to facility
LOG_LOCAL1 and staying in the foreground on the controlling terminal.
If the -q flag is specified, apmd does not announce suspend and standby
requests on the speaker.
When a client requests a suspend or stand-by mode, apmd does not wait for
positive confirmation that the requested mode has been entered before re-
plying to the client; to do so would mean the client does not get a reply
until the system resumes from its sleep state. Rather, apmd replies with
the intended state to the client and then places the system in the re-
quested mode after running the configuration script and flushing the
buffer cache.
Actions can be configured for the three transitions: suspend, standby and
resume. The suspend and standby actions are run prior to apmd performing
any other actions (such as disk syncs) and entering the new mode. The
resume program is run after resuming from a stand-by or suspended state.
/etc/apm/suspend, /etc/apm/standby and /etc/apm/resume are the files that
contain the host's customized actions. Each file must be an executable
binary or shell script suitable for execution by the execve(2) function.
If you wish to have the same program or script control all transitions,
it may determine which transition is in progress by examining its argv[0]
which is set to one of suspend, standby, or resume.
/var/run/apmdev is the default UNIX-domain socket used for communication
with apm(8). The -S flag may be used to specify an alternate socket
name. The socket is protected to mode 0660, UID 0, GID 0; this protects
access to suspend requests to authorized users only.
/dev/apmctl is the default device used to control the APM kernel driver.
The -f flag may be used to specify an alternate device file name.
apm(4), apm(8), execve(2), speaker(4), syslog(3), syslogd(8).
Advanced Power Management (APM) BIOS Interface Specification (revision
1.1), Intel Corporation and Microsoft Corporation.
The apmd command appeared in OpenBSD 1.2.
OpenBSD March 24, 1996 2
Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others. |
 (Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)
![[Detailed Topics]](/inbndsm.gif) OpenBSD sources for apmd(8)
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