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RMUSER(8) OpenBSD System Manager's Manual RMUSER(8)
rmuser - remove users from the system
rmuser [username]
The utility rmuser removes a user's crontab(1) entry (if any) and any
at(1) jobs belonging to the user, then removes a user from the system's
local password file, removes the user's home directory if it is owned by
the user, and removes the user's incoming mail file if it exists. The
username is removed from any groups to which it belongs in the file
/etc/group. If a group becomes empty and the group name is the same as
the username, the group is removed (this complements adduser(8)'s per-
user unique groups).
rmuser politely refuses to remove users whose uid is 0 (typically root),
since it seemed like a good idea at the time rmuser was written.
rmuser shows the selected user's password file entry and asks for confir-
mation that you wish to remove the user. If the user's home directory is
owned by the user (and not by any other user), rmuser asks whether you
wish to remove the user's home directory and everything below.
Available options:
username Identifies the user to be removed; if not present, rmuser in-
teractively asks for the user to be removed.
at(1), chpass(1), crontab(1), finger(1), passwd(1), group(5),
passwd(5), adduser(8), addgroup(8), pwd_mkdb(8), rmgroup(8), vipw(8)
The rmuser command appeared in FreeBSD 2.1.5.
OpenBSD 2.3 July 16, 1996 1
Source: OpenBSD 2.6 man pages. Copyright: Portions are copyrighted by BERKELEY SOFTWARE DESIGN, INC., The Regents of the University of California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Free Software Foundation, FreeBSD Inc., and others. |
 (Corrections, notes, and links courtesy of RocketAware.com)
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