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Home By TONY By MARK By JERRY By ANN By ERICA Subjects By activity User Interface Text Strings Math Processing
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Subject Divisions (default selections) |
Multi-Player drama - Multiple players acting in a virtual game world, (MUDs, et al)
Text Games - Puzzles and Games without graphical images, just text
Card Games - Games played with a deck of cards
3D Action Games - Games with a 3 dimensional game field
Board Games - Games played on a 2 dimensional game board
Turn by Turn Games - Games where players take turns, no realtime response is required
Chance Games - Games with the outcome decided solely by random chance
Puzzle Games - Games requiring logic and thinking
Action Games - Games with realtime response
SDK's for Wireless Games - Will They Succeed? [2002/01/16]
Creative Games sans Violence? [2001/09/07]
On the Process of Creating a Game... [2001/06/01]
How Does One Become a Game Designer? [2001/05/01]
Full Powered, Compact, Gaming Rigs? [2001/04/04]
Sharing a Cable Connection w/ Your Dreamcast? [ 2000/09/22]
iPAQ as Gaming Platform? [ 2000/08/23]
Linux Games Distribution on CD? [ 2000/08/06]
What Happens To The X-Box If Microsoft Is Split? [ 2000/07/11]
Is there an Open Sourced Beer Brewing Application? [ 1999/01/29]
VSEdit - VSEdit is a tool for creating and editing files for use with the sailing simulator Virtual Sailor. {(L)GPL}
ruby-tcltklib- - A Ruby interface to Tcl/Tk libraries
ruby-bitvector-0.1.6 - Efficient Ruby bit vector extension
ruby-clibpdf-20010519 - A Ruby binding for ClibPDF
ruby-dialogs-1.1 - A simple Ruby interface to dialog(1)
ruby-drb-1.3.6 - Distributed Ruby
ruby-gdk_imlib-0.27 - Ruby binding for Gdk-imlib
ruby-gdk_pixbuf-0.27 - Ruby binding for Gdkpixbuf
ruby-gnome-0.27 - A set of Ruby bindings for GNOME
ruby-gnuplot-0 - A pipe-based interface to the gnuplot package for Ruby
ruby-gtk-0.27 - Ruby binding for GTK+
ruby-metaruby-0.7 - A reimplementations of some Ruby parts in Ruby, Perl's tie equivalent
ja-rskkserv-2.94.12a - An alternative implementation of skkserv written in Ruby
ja-rbnamazu-0.4 - A client of the "Namazu" full-text search engine written in Ruby
ruby-property-19990308 - Simple properties scheme for Ruby
ruby_r-qt2gl-0.14_1 - Qt2 GL extension for Ruby
gnomekiss-1.2 - GNOME version of Kisekae Set System
ruby-racc-1.4.2 - An LALR(1) parser generator for Ruby
ruby-byaccr-0.1 - Parser generator for ruby based on 'Berkeley Yacc' and 'Berkeley Yacc for Java'
powerpak-20000511 - SDL-based Game Software Development Kit
xemacs-games-packages-1.3 - XEmacs elisp packages for Games(games)
de-BBBike-3.03 - A route-finder for cyclists in Berlin and Brandenburg (only german)
biorythm-1.1.1 - Simple biorythm calculation program
pmars-0.8 - A portable corewar system with ICWS'94 extensions
wmScoreBoard-0.30 - Window Maker dockapp that display game scores from excite
54321-1.0.2001.11.16 - 54321 is five games in four-, three-, or two-dimensions for one player
editss-2.2 - An editor for XPilot shipshapes
senso-1.0 - Game to challenge short-term memory
gnomegames- - The game applications package for the Gnome Desktop Environment
fkiss-0.32 - Freely enjoy childlike KISS, French-KISS!
bugsx-1.08 - Breed bugs using genetic algorithims.
astrolog-5.40_1 - An astrology program for X11 and alpha-numeric terminals
dontspace-1.2 - A solitaire game for X11 modeled after Free Space.
geneal - Geneal, a genealogy browsing program {oss}
ksokoban-1.1.2.tgz - japanese strategy game for kde
Bomb - automatic interactive visual stimulation {GPL}
Hoyles Games Collection 2 for Palm OS & Windows CE
Genealogy Supply Kit - Patriot Edition
Ultimate Games Suite for Palm OS, Pocket PC and RIM
The Master Genealogist Gold Edition
Master Genealogist Silver Edition
Family Tree Maker 9.0 Collector's Edition
Family Tree Maker Deluxe Collector's Edition 8.0
gTuring - A Turing Machine simulator for GNOME. [X] {GPL}
JFortune - /usr/games/fortune as an applet [X] {BSL}
ja-ruby-kakasi-000124_3 - KAKASI module for Ruby
ja-ruby-slang-0.51 - S-Lang-jp extension module for Ruby
ruby-acl-1.0.1 - Ruby module to provide Access Control List checks
ruby-amstd-2.0.0 - A collection of miscellaneous Ruby modules
ruby-bigfloat-1.1.8 - Variable precision floating library for Ruby
ruby-cdb-0.4 - Ruby interface to D. J. Bernstein's cdb (constant database) library
ruby-csv-1.1.1 - Ruby library to parse or generate data in CSV format
ruby-filelock-0.2 - A Ruby module which provides file locking mechanism
ruby-fox-1.0.3 - Ruby extension module to use FOX, aka FXRuby
ruby-GD-0.7.4 - Ruby extension library to use Thomas Boutell's gd library
ruby-gdbm- - A Ruby extension to GDBM library
ruby-gemfinder-1.8 - A simple class browser (built with Ruby/Tk) for Ruby modules/programs
ruby-gimp-20010315 - Ruby extension library to write GIMP plugins in Ruby (Ruby-Fu)
ruby-icmp-0.2.1 - Ruby module for handling ICMP packets
ruby-locale-0.2 - A simple Ruby module that provides setlocale(3)
ruby-pdflib-0.71 - A Ruby extension library to access PDFlib
ruby-perl-0.2.7 - A Ruby extension module to use the functions of Perl from Ruby
ruby-python-0.3.3_2 - Ruby extension library for embedding Python in Ruby
ja-ruby-chasen-1.6 - ChaSen module for Ruby
swigruby-0.4.4 - Ruby module for SWIG 1.1
libdjvu++-2.1.1 - AT&T's DjVu: The Technology for Scanned Documents on the Web
acorn-media-0.3 - Libraries needed by games/acorn
ruby-narray-0.5.6p1 - Numerical N-dimensional array library for Ruby
ruby-o_dbm-0.3.1 - An OODB-like DBM module for Ruby
2Dlife.C - 2-D Life program {oss}
Related Subjects (default selections) |
(The following links to subjects at this site retain your personalized selections.)
Humanities - Art, Music, Philosophy, Religion, Society, History, et al
See also Process Limits - Permission and access restriction (files, resources, etc)
Up to Activity specific - Gateway topic to software used in specific activities. (application software, business, professional, science, education, etc.)
Bit-strings - Data structures implementing bit vectors, bit arrays
External Categories |
freshmeat.net : Topic : Games/Entertainment
Games - - Various and sundry amusements.
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/X11/kde-apps/games/ - games for kde
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/X11/games/ - Games that run under X
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/games/amusements/ - not really games, but fun anyway
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/games/ - fun ways to waste time
Computers : Data Formats : Games :
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