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Puzzle Games - Games requiring logic and thinking
textmaze-1.0 - Generates mazes on a text terminal and lets you traverse them
pipenightdreams-0.9.0 - A puzzle game similar to PipeMania
gnomermind-1.0 - A puzzle game for Gnome, loosely based on the classic MasterMind game
freesweep-0.88 - Minesweeper-style game for text-mode terminals
hex-0.0.2 - Clone of "Puzzle Bobble" for X11 that uses GTK/Imlib
magiccube4d-2.1 - MagicCube4D is a fully functional four-dimensional analog of Rubik's cube
rubix-1.0.2 - Another rubik's cube game with a rather interesting interface
xhexagons-5.5.2 - Hexagons puzzle (similar to Fifteen Puzzle) for X Window System
xmines-1.0 - Minesweeper game for the X Window System
kpuzzle-0.3 - KDE jigsaw game
xphotohunter-1.4 - A game looking for the difference between two pictures
gnomememoryblocks-0.2 - Memory Blocks game for GNOME
sxsame-3.02 - A tile-removing puzzle game for the X Window system
gnomegames- - The game applications package for the Gnome Desktop Environment
yamsweeper-1.9 - Yet Another Mine Sweeper.
xtriangles-5.5.2 - Triangles puzzle
xsokoban-3.3c - a puzzle of pushing objects to the goals. [X]
xsok-1.02 - A generic Sokoban game for X11
xskewb-5.5.2 - Skewb puzzle (similar to Rubik's Cube) for X Window
xshisen-1.36 - Shisen-sho puzzle game for X11
xrubik-5.5.2 - X-based rubik's cube(tm)
xpyraminx-5.5.2 - Pyraminx puzzle for X Window System
xpanex-5.5.2 - Panex puzzle for X Window System
xoct-5.5.2 - Oct puzzle for X Window System
xmlink-5.5.2 - Missing Link puzzle for X Window System
xminehunter-0.4 - A Motif minesweeper game. [X]
xmine-1.0.3 - The 'Athena' port of the xminesweeper game [X]
xmball-5.5.2 - Masterball puzzle for X Window System
xlaby-2.0.1_1 - Daemonic X Labyrinth played directly with the mouse pointer
xjumpjump-0.12 - logical game for X Window System
xjig-2.4 - jigsaw puzzle game for X11
xdemineur-2.1.1 - Another minesweeper game for the X Window System
xbomb-2.1a - Minesweeper with a couple of grid types
wmtimebomb-0.2.0 - A minesweeper for WindowMaker
sokoban-1.0 - Logical game: problems with packets in cave
merlin-1.0 - A pointless puzzle game for Tcl/Tk.
cosmo-2.0.4_1 - Clone of Cosmo Gang the Puzzle (Namco)
affenspiel-1.0 - Little puzzle game with monkey for X Window System.
GtkBalls - GtkBalls is a simple logic game. {x,GPL}
Groundhog - Logic game written with GTK {x,GPL}
KSlide - Simple slide puzzle game {x,GPL}
krubik - A 3D model of a Rubik cube that you can rotate attempt to solve. {x,GPL}
The Puzzle Addict's Game Pack Vol. 1
Carmen Think Quick (Jewel Case)
Scooby-Doo: Phantom of the Knight
Country Scenery jigsaw puzzle 3.1
Loveable Cats jigsaw puzzle 3.1
kblackbox-1.1.2.tgz - graphical logic game for kde
ksame-1.1.2.tgz - ball-matching game for kde
kmines-1.1.2.tgz - minesweeper game for kde
kshisen-1.1.2.tgz - tile matching game for kde
WMTimeBomb - Mine sweeper type game for WindowMaker [X] {GPL}
Maze_3.C - Cute maze generator. Run, then enter size. {oss}
Maze_2.C - Obfuscated maze generator {oss}
Maze_1.C - Maze generator {oss}
Related Subjects (default selections) |
(The following links to subjects at this site retain your personalized selections.)
See also Process Limits - Permission and access restriction (files, resources, etc)
Up to Activity specific - Gateway topic to software used in specific activities. (application software, business, professional, science, education, etc.)
Recreation - games, hobbies, sports
Bit-strings - Data structures implementing bit vectors, bit arrays
Text Games - Puzzles and Games without graphical images, just text
Card Games - Games played with a deck of cards
3D Action Games - Games with a 3 dimensional game field
Board Games - Games played on a 2 dimensional game board
Turn by Turn Games - Games where players take turns, no realtime response is required
Chance Games - Games with the outcome decided solely by random chance
Action Games - Games with realtime response
External Categories |
freshmeat.net : Topic : Games/Entertainment : Puzzle Games
Games - - Various and sundry amusements.
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/X11/kde-apps/games/ - games for kde
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/X11/games/ - Games that run under X
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/games/amusements/ - not really games, but fun anyway
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/games/ - fun ways to waste time
Computers : Data Formats : Games :
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