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NUL Terminated String processing

NUL terminated string operations (strcpy, strlen, etc)
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Questions and Answers: Showing

Why does strncpy not always write a '\0'? []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

How can I split up a string into whitespace-separated fields? []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

I need some code to do regular expression and wildcard matching. []

At comp.lang.c FAQ

How Do You Handle Unicode? [ 2000/06/29]

At Ask Slashdot

Questions and Answers

Others not displayed here
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Applications and Utilities: Showing

textutils - is a set of utilities for manipulating text. {GPL,GNU}

At GNU project

KFileReplace - KFileReplace is a KDE utility ti replace strings (text expressions) inside all files of a directory. Is includes very powerful jokers options (* for words, ? for characters). Ready for KDE 1.x and 2.0 {(L)GPL}

At Sourceforge ( Production/Stable)

p5-Text-Balanced-1.89 - Text::Balanced - extract delimited text sequences from strings

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate-0.01 - Go from cardinal number (3) to ordinal ("3rd")

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-Lingua-EN-Nickname-1.12 - Genealogical nickname matching (Liz=Beth)

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-Lingua-EN-NameParse-1.18 - Perl routines for manipulating a person's name

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-1.88 - Convert singular words to their plural form

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-Lingua-EN-Infinitive-1.04 - Determine the infinitive form of a conjugated word

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-Lingua-EN-Gender-0.02 - Inflect pronouns for gender

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-Text-FixedLength-Extra-1.1 - Various niceties for p5-Text-FixedLength lovers

At FreeBSD Ports

xin-1.0.0 - Splits standard input and pipes into a command

At FreeBSD Ports

numchar-1.0 - Converts phone numbers between digits and characters

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-String-Strip-1.01 - Perl extension for fast, commonly used, string operations

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-Text-DoubleMetaphone-0.05 - Phonetic encoding of words

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-Text-Template-1.42 - Expand template text with embedded Perl

At FreeBSD Ports
p5-Text-Template-1.31 - perl5 library for generating form letters (At NetBSD packages collection)

sarep-1.1 - Command-line search and replace tool; written in Perl; handles regexps

At FreeBSD Ports

filepp-1.4.2 - A generic file preprocessor

At FreeBSD Ports

rotfl-0.6.4 - rotfl is a simple text-formatting language

At FreeBSD Ports

ruby-strscan-0.6.5 - Fast string scanner class for Ruby

At FreeBSD Ports

boxes-1.0.1 - Draws ASCII-art configurable boxes around text or code

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-Text-Autoformat-1.04 - Automatic and manual text wrapping and reformating formatting

At FreeBSD Ports
perl module for text wrapping and reformatting (At NetBSD packages collection)

p5-Text-Wrapper-1.000 - Simple word wrapping routine

At FreeBSD Ports
p5-Text-Wrapper-1.0 - perl5 module that provides simple word wrapping (At NetBSD packages collection)

tuc-1.10 - Text to Unix Conversion

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-Text-FixedLength-0.12 - Parse and create fixed length field records

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-Template-Toolkit-2.06 - Extensive Toolkit for template processing

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-dTemplate-2.0 - A powerful template handling logic with advanced features

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-Text-FillIn-0.05 - A class implementing a fill-in template

At FreeBSD Ports

i18ntools-1.0 - Tools for the conversion to and from UTF-8 Unicode encoding

At FreeBSD Ports

iconv-2.0_3 - Charset conversion library and utilities

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-Text-Metaphone-1.96 - A modern soundex: phonetic encoding of words

At FreeBSD Ports

py22-spark-0.6.1 - Scanning, Parsing, and Rewriting Kit

At FreeBSD Ports

roap-0.1.2 - Region Oriented Ascii Processor

At FreeBSD Ports

rotix-0.82_1 - A program to generate rotational obfuscations

At FreeBSD Ports

vi-vis2u-1.0 - VISCII->Unicode conversion

At FreeBSD Ports

ctrl - Transform symbolic to real escape sequences {oss}

At comp.sources.unix at UUNET

rot - Rotate text {oss}

At comp.sources.unix at UUNET

vstr - Dynamic string package {oss}

At comp.sources.unix at UUNET

strsed - String function to do sed(1)/tr(1) manipulations {oss}

At comp.sources.unix at UUNET

strings - String routines {oss}

At comp.sources.unix at UUNET

tabs - A tab/space conversion program {oss}

At comp.sources.unix at UUNET

fgres - search and replace character patterns, {oss}

At comp.sources.unix at UUNET

SLmail 5.0 up to 25-users

Applications and Utilities

Others not displayed here
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Libraries and Components: Showing

strlen (3) - find length of string {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

string (3) - string specific functions (function list with references of other man pages) {oss}

Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

strcat (3) - concatenate strings {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

strcpy (3) - copy strings {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

strdup (3) - save a copy of a string {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

strsep (3) - separate strings {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

unvis strunvis (3) - decode a visual representation of characters {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

vis strvis strvisx (3) - visually encode characters {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

strxfrm (3) - transform a string under locale {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

getopt (3) - get option character from command line argument list {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[IEEE Std1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2'').]

getsubopt (3) - get sub options from an argument {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

printf fprintf sprintf snprintf asprintf asnprintf vprintf vfprintf vsprintf vsnprintf vasprintf vansprintf (3) - formatted output conversion {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

err verr errx verrx warn vwarn warnx vwarnx (3) - formatted error messages {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD

stdarg (3) - variable argument lists {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSD
Source code: FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

stdio (3) - standard input/output library functions {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSD
Source code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
[ANSI C X3.159-1989]

bit_alloc bit_clear bit_decl bit_ffs bit_nclear bit_nset bit_set bitstr_size bit_test (3) - bit-string manipulation macros {oss}

Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSD
Source code: FreeBSD

p5-Lingua-EN-NameCase-1.11 - Perl module to fix the case of people's names

At FreeBSD Ports

libparanoia-1.4 - Safe (in the mean of stack smashing) reincarnation of strcpy et al

At FreeBSD Ports

libunicode-0.4_2 - A library for manipulating Unicode characters and strings

At FreeBSD Ports
libunicode-0.4 - library for manipulating Unicode characters and strings (At NetBSD packages collection)

p5-Unicode-String-2.06 - These are experimental Perl5 modules to handle various Unicode issues

At FreeBSD Ports

str-0.9.7 - Generic String Library

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-String-RexxParse-1.08 - Perl module that provides an interface to REXX parsing routines

At FreeBSD Ports

p5-CGI-ArgChecker-0.02 - Perl module implementing a cgi interface to String::Checker

At FreeBSD Ports

libcache-1.1.0 - C library that allows a programmer to parse sentences easier

At FreeBSD Ports

libutf-8.1.0 - Unicode conversion routines between UCS-4 and UTF-8

At FreeBSD Ports
libutf-2.10 - UTF-8 character set support library, including regular expressions (At NetBSD packages collection)

p5-Lingua-EN-Sentence-0.23 - Module for splitting text into sentences

At FreeBSD Ports

py22-dsv-1.3.3 - A Python module to parse or write delimeter-separated (e.g. CSV) files

At FreeBSD Ports

ruby-rmail-0.8 - A light-weight mail manipulating library for Ruby

At FreeBSD Ports

Sstrcpy.C - Overlapping strcpy() and strcat() work-alikes {oss}

At snippets.org

Sstrdel.C - Delete multiple substrings from a string {oss}

At snippets.org

Stptok.C - Improved tokenizing function {oss}

At snippets.org

Strchcat.C - Append a single character to a string {oss}

At snippets.org

Strdel.C - Delete a section of a string {oss}

At snippets.org

Strdelch.C - Delete specific character(s) in a string {oss}

At snippets.org

Strdup.C - Portable strdup() {oss}

At snippets.org

Strecpy.C - Like strcpy, but returns pointer to NUL {oss}

At snippets.org

Strecpy.Asm - Fast x86 assembly version of Strecpy.C {oss}

At snippets.org

Stristr.C - Case-insensitive strstr() work-alike {oss}

At snippets.org

Strrepl.C - Replace substrings {oss}

At snippets.org

Strrev.C - Reverse a string in place using XOR swapping {oss}

At snippets.org

Strrpbrk.C - Like ANSI/ISO strpbrk(), but searches from end of string {oss}

At snippets.org

Strupr.C - Portable strupr() strlwr() {oss}

At snippets.org

Translat.C - Translate string w/ C-style escape sequences {oss}

At snippets.org

Xstrcat.C - String concatenation function {oss}

At snippets.org

Rmallws.C - Remove all whitespace from a string {oss}

At snippets.org

Rmlead.C - Remove leading whitespace from a string {oss}

At snippets.org

Rmtrail.C - Remove trailing whitespace from a string {oss}

At snippets.org

Trim.C - Trim leading, trailing, & embedded spaces {oss}

At snippets.org

Lv1Ws.C - Convert all whitespace in a string to single spaces {oss}

At snippets.org

Bcdl.C - BCD math (to/from long) functions {oss}

At snippets.org

Bcdd.C - BCD math (to/from double) functions {oss}

At snippets.org

Bcdd.Doc - Manual pages for BCDD.C functions {oss}

At snippets.org

Phonetic.H, Soundex.C, Soundex4.C Metaphon.C - Functions to match similar sounding strings, Soundex, and variants {oss}

At snippets.org

Approx.C - Fuzzy string search {oss}

At snippets.org

Str.Doc, Str.H, Str.Cpp - David Nugent's simple (sic!) string class {oss}

At snippets.org

Pcnvrt.H - Convert Pascal strings to C {oss}

At snippets.org

Permute1.C - Permute strings {oss}

At snippets.org

Permute2.C - Permute strings {oss}

At snippets.org

Xstrcmp.C - Compare strings using DOS wildcards {oss}

At snippets.org

Repstr.C - Replace a pattern in a large amount of dat {oss}

At snippets.org

Strcase.C - Converts to upper/lower case using non-ASCII conversion {oss}

At snippets.org

Strnsub.C - Search for a string, replace it with a new string {oss}

At snippets.org

Strrepc.C - Replace all occurrances of one character with another {oss}

At snippets.org

Strtrim.C - Trim blanks from a string {oss}

At snippets.org

Strtrimc.C - Remove specific characters from a string {oss}

At snippets.org

Bigfac.C - Do large factorials using ASCII multiply {oss}

At snippets.org

stringlib - X3J11/SVID/4BSD/etc string library {oss}

At comp.sources.unix at UUNET

Libmib Allocated String Functions - Fast, efficient, allocated strings.Use in place of fixed length string buffers, with nearly identical syntax, compatibility with other functions. {oss}

String::Parity - Parity functions for strings. In an ideal world, this module would be obsolete, because everything would be 8-bit clean and strings would use one of the 8 bit ISO character sets if not UNICODE. But some prehistoric device called "modems" still use [Perl] {oss}


String::ShellQuote - Quotes strings for safe passage through shells. [Perl] {oss}


Text::StripHigh - Converts eight-bit characters to seven bits. [Perl] {oss}


stem.pl - Not a module, but a library file. stem.pl performs text stemming -- finding the "root word." For instance, the stem of "walked" is "walk", and the stem of "stemming" is "stem". stem.pl is in the Text:: module set. [Perl] {oss}


TeX::Hyphen - uses TeX's hyphenation table to hyphenate words. You don't need TeX to use the module. [Perl] {oss}


The Text-Tabs+Wrap Bundle - contains Text::Tabs and Text::Wrap, both described below. [Perl] {oss}


Text::German - Stems German words. Also see stem.pl. [Perl] {oss}


Text::Tabs - In a document, you can replace multiple spaces with tabs, or tabs with multiple spaces, just like the Unix "expand" and "unexpand" utilities. Part of the Text-Tabs+Wrap bundle. [Perl] {oss}


Text::Template - This module defines a "template" as a chunk of text with cute little Perl expressions embedded in it. You can use this module to replace the expressions with their values. [Perl] {oss}


Text::Vpp - A "versatile preprocessor" for text; it lets you embed variables and conditionals in your file. [Perl] {oss}


Text::Wrap - Line wrapping and paragraph reformatting. Part of the Text-Tabs+Wrap bundle. [Perl] {oss}


Text::Trie - Given a list of strings, returns their common heads and tails. [Perl] {oss}


Cz - Tools for manipulating Czech text. [Perl] {oss}


No - Tools for manipulating Norwegian text. [Perl] {oss}


Unicode - Support for the Unicode standard character sets. A future release of Perl will probably support Unicode in the core in such a way that this module will be obsolete. [Perl] {oss}


Libraries and Functions

Others not displayed here
Full List

Related Subjects (default selections)

(The following links to subjects at this site retain your personalized selections.)

NUL terminated String Comparison and Search - covers functions for comparing strings, finding characters within strings, et al.

See also: String-Integer-String conversions - Converting strings to and from integers. ascii to long, long to ascii, etc.

See also: String-Non-Integer-String conversions - (conversion to and from floating point, time, dates, et al.)

See also: Host, service name, and address operations - Methods and functions for doing address, host, user, and service name lookups. also Internet Assigned Numbers

See also: File Path Name Strings - Operations on hierarchical names (paths, files, identifiers)

See also: Text Output - generating text and character output.

See also: File filtering and processing - Methods of filtering and processing files. (character translation, comparison, search, word counts, etc.)

Up to Text Strings - Gateway topic to character and string processing routines. NUL Terminated String processing String conversions,et al. ascii to long, long to

(There may be additional related subject pages listed here)

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