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comp.lang.awk FAQ
ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/faqs/computer-lang/awk/faq (At MIT)
sed FAQ, version 011
ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/faqs/editor-faq/sed (At MIT)
Unix Power Tools : Sed and Awk, Second Edition [Dorfman, Leonard and Ghosh, Narendra ; O'Reilly and Associates, Inc. 1997-03] ISBN 1565922255 - At Barnes & Noble - At Amazon - At Half
Reading Describe (OS/2) Documents Under Linux? [ 2000/04/06]
At Ask Slashdot
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file2c(1) - convert file to c-source. {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
rs(1) - reshape a data array {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
dd(1) - convert and copy a file {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD [IEEE Std1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2'')]
deroff(1) - remove roff and preprocessor
Source code: OpenBSD
cut(1) - select portions of each line of a file {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD [IEEE Std1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2'')]
lam(1) - laminate files {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
diff(1) - find differences between two files {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
diff3(1) - find differences between three files {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
expand unexpand(1) - expand tabs to spaces, and vice versa {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
merge(1) - three-way file merge {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSDSource code: FreeBSD
patch(1) - apply a diff file to an original {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
split(1) - split a file into pieces {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
sdiff(1) - find differences between two files and merge interactively {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD Solaris NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
od(1) - octal, decimal, hex, ascii dump {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
hexdump(1) - ascii, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD [IEEE Std1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2'')]
paste(1) - merge corresponding or subsequent lines of files {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD [IEEE Std1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2'')]
rev(1) - reverse lines of a file {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
sed(1) - stream editor {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSDja-sed-3.02_1 - GNU sed + multi-byte extension (At FreeBSD Ports)
ja-sed-3.02 - GNU sed + multi-byte extension (At NetBSD packages collection)
sed - is a stream-oriented version of 'ed'. (At GNU project)
[IEEE Std1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2'')]
cat(1) - concatenate and print files {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD [IEEE Std1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2'')]
cmp(1) - compare two files {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD [IEEE Std1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2'')]
col(1) - filter reverse line feeds from input {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
colcrt(1) - filter nroff output for CRT previewing {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
colrm(1) - remove columns from a file {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
column(1) - columnate lists {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
comm(1) - select or reject lines common to two files {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD [IEEE Std1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2'')]
cp(1) - copy files {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD [IEEE Std1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2'')]
strings(1) - find printable strings in a file {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD [IEEE Std1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2'')]
tr(1) - translate characters {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD [IEEE Std1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2'')]
ul(1) - do underlining {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
uniq(1) - report or filter out repeated lines in a file {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD [IEEE Std1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2'')]
unvis(1) - revert a visual representation of data back to original form {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
uuencode uudecode(1) - encode/decode a binary file {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD [IEEE Std1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2'')]
vis(1) - display non-printable characters in a visual format {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD
wc(1) - Word, line, and byte count. {oss}
Man pages: FreeBSD RedHat Solaris NetBSDSource code: OpenBSD FreeBSD [IEEE Std1003.2-1992 (``POSIX.2'')]
Fileutils - are: 'chgrp', 'chmod', 'chown', 'cp', 'dd', 'df', 'dir', 'dircolors', 'du', 'install', 'ln', 'ls', 'mkdir', 'mkfifo', 'mknod', 'mv', 'rm', 'rmdir', 'sync', 'touch', and 'vdir'. {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project
fileutils-4.1_1 - The GNU file utilities (At FreeBSD Ports)
fileutils-4.0 - GNU file management utilities (At NetBSD packages collection)
Diffutils - includes GNU 'diff', which compares files showing line-by-line changes in several flexible formats. {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project
diffutils-2.7 - GNU diff utilities - find the differences between files (At NetBSD packages collection)
ed - is the standard text editor. It is line-oriented and can be used interactively or in scripts. {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project
wdiff - is a front-end to GNU 'diff'. It compares two files, finding the words deleted or added to the first to make the second. {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project
patch - is our version of Larry Wall's program to take 'diff''s output and apply those differences to an original file to generate the modified version. {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project
comm - compare two sorted files line by line {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project textutils
csplit - split a file into sections determined by context lines {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project textutils
cut - remove sections from each line of files {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project textutils
expand - convert tabs to spaces {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project textutils
fold - wrap each input line to fit in specified width {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project textutils
join - join lines of two files on a common field {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project textutils
paste - merge lines of files {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project textutils
sort - sort lines of text files {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project textutils
split - split a file into pieces {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project textutils
tac - concatenate and print files in reverse {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project textutils
tr - translate or delete characters {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project textutils
tsort - perform topological sort {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project textutils
unexpand - convert spaces to tabs {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project textutils
uniq - remove duplicate lines from a sorted file {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project textutils
wc - print the number of bytes, words, and lines in files {GPL,GNU}
At GNU project textutils
cdif-1.15 - Display word context diff
At FreeBSD Ports
word context diff (At NetBSD packages collection)
cdiff-1.4 - Diff readability enhancher for color terminals
At FreeBSD Ports
diff-mode.el-1.8_1 - A mode for viewing/editing context diffs in Emacsen
At FreeBSD Ports
gtkdiff-1.0.2 - A frontend program for diff(1) written for GNOME
At FreeBSD Ports
gtkdiff-1.6.0 - diff front-end program using GNOME (At NetBSD packages collection)
p5-Text-Filter-Chain-0.02 - Chains multiple Text::Filter objects and runs them in sequence
At FreeBSD Ports
diffconvert-1.2 - A converter between context diff and unidiff formats
At FreeBSD Ports
unix2dos-1.3 - Translate ASCII files from DOS (cr/lf) to UNIX (lf)
At FreeBSD Ports
unix2dos-1.2 - Translate ASCII files from DOS (cr/lf) to UNIX (lf) and vice versa (At NetBSD packages collection)
buffer-1.17.1 - Buffer sporadic I/O for faster tape and pipe throughput
At FreeBSD Ports
buffer-1.17.1.tgz (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages i386)
buffer-1.17.1.tgz (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages i386)
buffer-1.17.1.tgz (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages sparc)
buffer-1.17.1.tgz (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages sparc)
buffer-1.17 - buffer sporadic binary I/O for faster tape use (At NetBSD packages collection)
fhist-1.6 - Utilities to maintain file history, do file comparisions and merges
At FreeBSD Ports
tkdiff-3.05 - A Tk frontend for diff(1)
At FreeBSD Ports
Graphical 2-way diff/merge tool (At NetBSD packages collection)
p5-Text-Filter-1.7 - Base class for objects that can read and write text lines
At FreeBSD Ports
gfslicer-1.5.4 - A utility to split and join files
At FreeBSD Ports
dosunix-1.0.12 - Manipulation of text files in a mixed DOS/Windows and Unix environment
At FreeBSD Ports
gsed-3.02 - The GNU stream editor
At FreeBSD Ports
fconv-1.1 - Converts DOS or Mac-style files to Unix format, and vice-versa
At FreeBSD Ports
patchutils-0.2.11 - A small collection of programs that operate on patch files
At FreeBSD Ports
mawk-1.3.3 - An implementation of new/posix awk
At FreeBSD Ports
mawk-1.3.3.tgz - new/posix awk (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages i386)
mawk-1.3.3.tgz - new/posix awk (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages i386)
mawk-1.3.3.tgz - new/posix awk (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages sparc)
mawk-1.3.3.tgz - new/posix awk (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages m68k)
mawk-1.3.3.tgz - new/posix awk (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages sparc)
Mike Brennan's fast awk clone (At NetBSD packages collection)
dirdiff-1.2 - A graphical diff tool
At FreeBSD Ports
pardiff-0.9.4 - Parallelizing diff Filter, converts diff output to paralleled format
At FreeBSD Ports
rot-1.2 - Rotates a file so that lines become columns and vice versa
At FreeBSD Ports
awka-0.7.4 - Converts the AWK script to C, then compiles it
At FreeBSD Ports
awka-0.7.0 - AWK to ANSI C compiler (At NetBSD packages collection)
align-1.5.0 - Text column alignment filter
At FreeBSD Ports
xxdiff-2.0.3 - QT interface to view/merge differences between 2 or 3 files
At FreeBSD Ports
p5-File-ReadBackwards-0.94 - File::ReadBackwards -- read a file backwards by lines
At FreeBSD Ports
dvips-5.76 - Convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript.
At FreeBSD Ports
agrep-2.04 - Approximate grep (fast approximate pattern-matching tool)
At FreeBSD Ports
agrep-2.04.tgz (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages i386)
ja-gawk-3.0.6 - GNU awk + multi-byte extension
At FreeBSD Ports
gawk-3.1.0 - The GNU version of Awk (At FreeBSD Ports)
gawk-3.0.4 - GNU awk (At NetBSD packages collection)
ja-gawk-3.0.4 (At NetBSD packages collection)
nawk-20020210 - Brian Kernighan's pattern scanning and processing language
At FreeBSD Ports
nawk-20001115 - Brian Kernighan's pattern-directed scanning and processing language (At NetBSD packages collection)
iselect-1.2.0 - Interactive Selection Tool
At FreeBSD Ports
Curses based Interactive Selection Tool (At NetBSD packages collection)
tr2latex-2.2 - Convert a document from troff to LaTeX.
At FreeBSD Ports
catdoc-0.91.4_1 - Convert MS Word/Excel documents to plain ASCII or TeX. TK viewer included
At FreeBSD Ports
catdoc-0.90b4.tgz - MS Word ==> ASCII or TeX, Tk viewer included (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages i386)
catdoc-0.90b4.tgz - MS Word ==> ASCII or TeX, Tk viewer included (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages i386)
catdoc-0.90b4.tgz - MS Word ==> ASCII or TeX, Tk viewer included (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages sparc)
catdoc-0.90b4.tgz - MS Word ==> ASCII or TeX, Tk viewer included (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages sparc)
catdoc-0.91.4 - reads MS-Word file and puts out its content as plain text (At NetBSD packages collection)
info2html-1.1 - Translate GNU info files into HTML pages.
At FreeBSD Ports
info_to_html-0.9 - Translate GNU info files into HTML pages (At FreeBSD Ports)
info2html-1.1.tgz - translate GNU info files into HTML pages (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages i386)
info2html-1.1.tgz - translate GNU info files into HTML pages (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages i386)
info2html-1.1.tgz - translate GNU info files into HTML pages (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages sparc)
info2html-1.1.tgz - translate GNU info files into HTML pages (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages sparc)
ja-plain2-2.54 - A text converter from plain to any format
At FreeBSD Ports
mgdiff-1.0 - A graphical front end to the Unix diff command
At FreeBSD Ports
mgdiff-1.0.tgz - graphical front end to Unix diff (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages i386)
mgdiff-1.0.tgz - graphical front end to Unix diff (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages i386)
mgdiff-1.0.tgz - graphical front end to Unix diff (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages sparc)
mgdiff-1.0.tgz - graphical front end to Unix diff (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages sparc)
nfbtrans-7.58 - ASCII text to Grade Two braille translator
At FreeBSD Ports
par-1.52 - Paragraph reformatter for email
At FreeBSD Ports
par-1.51.tgz - paragraph reflow for email (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages i386)
par-1.51.tgz - paragraph reflow for email (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages i386)
par-1.51.tgz - paragraph reflow for email (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages sparc)
par-1.51.tgz - paragraph reflow for email (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages sparc)
par-1.50 - Pargraph reformatter for email (At NetBSD packages collection)
pilot_makedoc-0.7a - Converts text into the Doc format used by PalmPilots
At FreeBSD Ports
pilot_makedoc-0.7.tgz - convert text into the Doc format used by PalmPilots (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages i386)
pilot_makedoc-0.7.tgz - convert text into the Doc format used by PalmPilots (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages i386)
pilot_makedoc-0.7.tgz - convert text into the Doc format used by PalmPilots (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages sparc)
pilot_makedoc-0.7.tgz - convert text into the Doc format used by PalmPilots (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages sparc)
rman-3.0.9 - Reverse compile man pages from formatted form
At FreeBSD Ports
rman-3.0.9.tgz (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages i386)
Produces HTML from formatted and unformatted man pages (At NetBSD packages collection)
textutils-2.0 - GNU text utilities
At FreeBSD Ports
ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/packages/pkgsrc/textproc/textutils/README.html (At NetBSD packages collection)
unroff-1.0.2 - A programmable troff translator with backend for HTML.
At FreeBSD Ports
Programmable troff translator with backend for HTML (At NetBSD packages collection)
wdiff-0.5 - Display word differences between text files.
At FreeBSD Ports
wdiff-0.5.tgz - word differences between text files (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages i386)
wdiff-0.5.tgz - word differences between text files (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages i386)
wdiff-0.5.tgz - word differences between text files (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages sparc)
wdiff-0.5.tgz - word differences between text files (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages sparc)
Word-by-word diff (At NetBSD packages collection)
bpatch-1.0 - A hex editor that doesn't load the whole file at once.
At FreeBSD Ports
bpatch - Binary patch program, ported to 80286 etc. (At comp.sources.unix at ISC)
bpatch - Binary (file) patcher/viewer (At comp.sources.unix at ISC)
bpatch - Binary (file) patcher/viewer (At comp.sources.unix at UUNET)
bpatch.2bpatch - Binary file editor (At comp.sources.unix at UUNET)
bpatch2bpatch - Binary patch program, ported to 80286 etc. (At comp.sources.unix at UUNET)
jive-1.1 - filter that converts English text to Jive
At FreeBSD Ports
jive-1.1.tgz - convert English text to Jive (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages i386)
jive-1.1.tgz - convert English text to Jive (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages i386)
jive-1.1.tgz - convert English text to Jive (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages sparc)
jive-1.1.tgz - convert English text to Jive (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages m68k)
jive-1.1.tgz - convert English text to Jive (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages sparc)
ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/packages/pkgsrc/misc/jive/README.html (At NetBSD packages collection)
qsubst - A query-replace program {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
qsubst-20010422 - query-replace strings in files (At NetBSD packages collection)
ddd - Fast, multi-process dd(1) clone {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
slice - Split file based on patterns or line numbers {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
cut+paste - Public-domain implementations of cut(1) and paste(1) {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
inserts - Do insertions into a document {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
filterfile - Apply a filter to a file, safely {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
patch2 - Release 2.0 of patch {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
patch - A program to apply diff format output to update files (1.3) (At comp.sources.unix at UUNET)
diffstat - compute histograms of diff output, {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
diffstat-1.29 - Make a histogram summarizing "diff" output (At FreeBSD Ports)
spiff - Spiff, find approximate differences in files {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
spiff-1.0.tgz - very flexible diff-like program (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages i386)
rot - Rotate text {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
hdiff - Heckel diff(1) [CACM '78], but shows moved lines with m {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
gnudiff1.15 - GNU Diff, version 1.15 {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
ctrl - Transform symbolic to real escape sequences {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
tabs - A tab/space conversion program {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
sect - extract a section of lines from a file or stdin, {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
fgres - search and replace character patterns, {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
diffc - Contextual diff (diff -c) for Bell systems {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
aaa - The amazing awk assembler {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at UUNET
perl - a "replacement" for awk and sed {oss}
At comp.sources.unix
window-srch - Windowing search (not unlike context grep) {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at ISC
ftp://ftp.uu.net/usenet/comp.sources.unix/volume15/ (At comp.sources.unix at UUNET)
vitals - Word counts, checksums, etc. {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at ISC
gawk - GNU AWK, version 2.11 {oss}
At comp.sources.unix at ISC
Gawk - is upwardly compatible with the latest POSIX specification of 'awk'. It also provides several useful extensions not found in other 'awk' implementations. (At GNU project)
InfoPrism - A General Document Processing System {GPL}
(Info at freshmeat)
pmpp - A Poor Man's Pre-Processor {GPL}
(Info at freshmeat)
sar - Command-line search and replace tool written in Perl. {freely distributable}
rmhatm - Advanced script to strip CR/LF from textfiles {free to use but restricted}
Mv.C - Move files (MSDOS) {oss}
At snippets.org
Bincomp.C - Binary file comparison utility {oss}
At snippets.org
Filecat.C - Adds one file onto another vertically {oss}
At snippets.org
Maxline.C - Returns the length of the longest line in text file {oss}
At snippets.org
Flopcopy.C - Copy a floppy to a HD subdirectory {oss}
At snippets.org
Killff.C - Strip FF characters from text files {oss}
At snippets.org
Nlcnvrt.C - Convert text files between DOS and Unix (CRLF <=> LF) {oss}
At snippets.org
Split.C - Split large text files into smaller ones {oss}
At snippets.org
Stats.C - Analyze file statistics {oss}
At snippets.org
Stripeof.C - Strip ^Z characters from DOS text files {oss}
At snippets.org
TPROC - Very simple text processing language for assembling Text files. {GPL}
Fcompare.C - Compare 2 files for equality {oss}
At snippets.org
Textmod.C - Demo how to change lines in a text file {oss}
At snippets.org
idiff-1.0.tgz - powerful command-line front end to diff
At OpenBSD 2.7_packages i386
idiff-1.0.tgz - powerful command-line front end to diff
At OpenBSD 2.8_packages i386
http://www.openbsd.org/2.7_packages/i386/idiff-1.0.tgz-long.html (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages i386)
http://www.openbsd.org/2.7_packages/sparc/idiff-1.0.tgz-long.html (At OpenBSD 2.7_packages sparc)
http://www.openbsd.org/2.8_packages/sparc/idiff-1.0.tgz-long.html (At OpenBSD 2.8_packages sparc)
idiff-1.0 - Interactive front-end to diff(1) (At NetBSD packages collection)
Applications and Utilities
Others not displayed here
Full List
recode - Charsets, etc. - The `recode' library converts files between character sets and usages. The `recode' program is a handy front-end to the library. {(L)GPL}
At Sourceforge ( Production/Stable)
p5-Apache-Filter-1.019 - Perl module to alter the output of previous handlers
At FreeBSD Ports
p5-C-Scan-0.74 - Perl5 module to scan C language files for easily recognized constructs
At FreeBSD Ports
C::Scan - Scans C programs for easily recognized constructs. For instance, you can use it to extract a list of include files used by a C program, and all the include files used by THOSE include files, and so on. Uses the Data::Flow module. (At CPAN)
Textmod.C - Demo how to change lines in a text file {oss}
At snippets.org
Sprite - Maniuplates simple text-delimited databases. [Perl] {oss}
Parse::Lex - An object-oriented generator of lexical analyzers. Use it to create parsers for "little languages" that you create. Documentation in French. [Perl] {oss}
Parse::RecDescent - Like the Unix yacc utility, this module generates recursive-descent parsers. [Perl] {oss}
SGMLS - Classes for use with the SGMLS and NSGMLS parsers. (SGML stands for Standard Generlized Markup Language. HTML is almost an example of an SGML.) [Perl] {oss}
sgmls-1.1.91 - SGML parser (At FreeBSD Ports)
HTML::FormatText - Convert HTML to plain text. Part of the libwww bundle. [Perl] {oss}
Rioja - A record-oriented java input/output class library. {free to use but restricted}
(Info at freshmeat)
Libraries and Functions
Others not displayed here
Full List
Related Subjects (default selections) |
(The following links to subjects at this site retain your personalized selections.)
See also Spelling Checkers and Correctors - Methods of filtering and processing to check and correct spelling errors.
See also: Searching Algorithms - Algorithms for locating an item by searching.
See also: Sorting Algorithms
See also: Text File Output - Methods of printing and displaying text files.
See also: File Viewers - Viewing the contents of files in various forms.
See also: Data integrity and Security, Checksums and Digests - cryptography, message digests, etc.
Data Compression
Up to File System Access - Gateway topic to file system (files and directory) access and operations.
(There may be additional related subject pages listed
Converters - - Format conversion utilities..
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