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Hard World File System
FLT - OpenFlight Scene description Database Files v14.2.4 (Acrobat)
NFF - Extensions of the Neutral File Format (RTF)
IMAGINE - Designing Texture Modules for Imagine
VRML - VRML2 Reference
RenderMan 3.1 specification (RENDERMAN )
OBJ - Source code to read wavefront (alias/maya) .OBJ files
Materials and Geometry 3D rendering format (MGF )
LIGHTWAVE - Lightwave 3D object file format (HTML)
POL - InnovMetric Binary File Format (Acrobat)
OFF - 3D Object File Format
NFF - Neutral File Format
3DS - The Unofficial 3DStudio 3DS File Format v1.0 (RTF)
3DS - 3D Studio File Format Information and Splines & Quaternions
Planetary Data System Format (PDS )
OBJ - Wavefront Object files (Acrobat)
VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language
3DS - 3D Studio File Format v0.93 (RTF)
Manchester Scene Description Language (MSDL )
CINEMA 4D - Cinema 4D v4.x file format - Amiga version only (Acrobat)
LIGHTWAVE - Lightwave 3D layered object file format (RTF)
POV - Persistance of Vision Ray Tracer v3.0
LIGHTWAVE - Lightwave 3D object file format (RTF)
3DX - 3DX File Format
RPI - A flexible file format for solid free form fabrication (Acrobat)
INFINI-D - Infini-D 3.0 Format
3D2 - Stereo CAD-3D 2.0 Communication Pipeline Specification (.3D, .3D2, .3D4) (RTF)
3DMF - 3D metafile Format (Acrobat)
NFF - WorldToolKit Neutral File Format v2.1 incl. BFF (RTF)
IMAGINE - Imagine 3.0 Object & Texture File Formats (RTF)
3D Technology: Ready for the PC? ( Neal Leavitt ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2001-11)
The Future of 3D Video ( Mark Ollis, Todd Williamson ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2001-06)
User Interfaces for Volumetric Displays ( Ravin Balakrishnan, George W. Fitzmaurice, Gordon Kurtenbach ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2001-03)
Innovative Computing Powers Theme Park Adventures ( Michael Macedonia ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2001-02)
Forging a New Simulation Technology at the ICT ( Richard Lindheim, William Swartout ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2001-01)
3D Mapping of an Interactive Synthetic Environment ( Roy Ladner, Mahdi Abdelguerfi, Kevin Shaw ; IEEE Computer Magazine 2000-03)
Online 3D: Still Waiting After All These Years ( Neal Leavitt ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1999-07)
Using Immersive Virtual Environments for Certification ( Carolina Cruz-Neira, Robyn R. Lutz ; IEEE Software Magazine 1999-07)
Architectural Design of a Common Operating Environment ( Shawn Butler, David Diskin, Norman Howes, Kathleen Jordan ; IEEE Software Magazine 1996-11)
3D User Interfaces for General-Purpose 3D Animation ( Jean-Francis Balaguer, Enrico Gobbetti ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1996-08)
Virtual Reality and Parallel Systems Performance Analysis ( Daniel A. Reed, Keith A. Shields, Will H. Scullin, Luis F. Tavera, Christopher L. Elford ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-11)
Virtual Environments for Treating the Fear of Heights ( Larry F. Hodges, Rob Kooper, Thomas C. Meyer, Barbara O. Rothbaum, Dan Opdyke, Johannes J. de Graaff, James S. Williford, Max M. North ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-07)
The Iowa Driving Simulator: An Immersive Research Environment ( Jon Kuhl, Douglas Evans, Yiannis Papelis, Richard Romano, Ginger Watson ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-07)
A Large-Scale Complex Virtual Environment for Team Training ( Thomas W. Mastaglio, Robert Callahan ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-07)
Automating the Construction of Large-Scale Virtual Worlds ( Michael F. Polis, Stephen J. Gifford, David M. McKeown Jr. ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-07)
Applications driveVR interface selection ( Mark T. Bolas, Ian McDowall, Russell Mead ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-07)
International Survey: Virtual-Environment Research ( Duane K. Boman ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1995-06)
Volume models for volumetric data ( Vishwa Ranjan, Alain Fournier ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1994-07)
Displaying 3D Images: Algorithms for Single-Image Random-Dot Stereograms ( Harold W. Thimbleby, Stuart Inglis, Ian H. Witten ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1994-010)
Using 3D Game Engines in Architecture? [2001/11/13]
Is Virtual Reality Dead? [2001/11/06]
What is Happening with OpenGL? [2001/08/18]
Decent Off-The-Shelf 3D Movement Controllers? [2001/06/05]
3D Formats from Commercial Software vs. VRML & Java3D? [2001/05/10]
Creating a "Virtual Tour" on the Web? [2001/05/02]
Crime Scene Animations For Use w/ Forensics? [2001/04/03]
Visually Representing Internet Data? [2001/04/01]
SGI Versus "Open*" and All Things "GL"? [2001/03/29]
Render 3-D Wireframe to Postscript? [2001/03/24]
OpenGL vs. Direct3D? [ 2000/08/13]
What Happened To Moonlight 3D? [ 2000/05/01]
PyOpenGL - PyOpenGL is the binding layer between Python and OpenGL. {oss}
Inventor - LGPL Open Inventor (tm) C++ API using OpenGL from original SGI source. Inventor is the standard API for developers of Windows, Linux, and other Unix 3D applications. Current version only works on Irix and Linux. Port in progress to other platforms. {(L)GPL}
3DML Project - The goal of the 3DML project is to extend 3DML, an XML based markup format for 3D Web content that is as easy to use as HTML. 3DML uses building block metaphor to simplify authoring.
bmp2map - .BMP to Quake .MAP - A conversion utilility for quickly turning 2D .BMPs into 3D Quake .MAPs. Takes a .BMP, uses the pixel palette indices to figure out where to put doors, walls, windows, entities and more, then it slaps a floor and ceiling on it and writes it to a .MAP. {(L)GPL}
LDLite - An open source 3D zbuffer graphics viewer, optimized for for plastic building brick instruction sheets. See also www.gyugyi.com/l3g0/ldlite {(L)GPL}
VASP Data Viewer - A 3D viewer for molecular charge distributions. Implemented in OpenGL with GLUT. Includes a small OpenGL windowing library/widget set. {(L)GPL}
OpenRM Scene Graph - 2D/3D Scene Graph rendering engine for Linux/Unix/Win32 layered atop OpenGL. Supports stereoscopy, volume rendering, 2D/3D texture mapping, picking, LOD and view-dependent operations, text, and image-based data. {(L)GPL}
Mesa3D - A free implementation of the OpenGL API. {BSD-like}
Panorama - is a framework for 3D graphics production. {GPL,GNU}
Maverik - is a virtual reality micro kernel. {GPL,GNU}
maverik-6.2 - A publicly available virtual reality (VR) system
white_dune-0.19b31 - Graphical VRML97 Editor and animation tool
vterrain-apps-010829 - Virtual Terrain Project Applications
cave-0.3 - Character Animation Viewer for Everyone
crystal-0.92_1 - A 3d/2d development API
mingw-opengl-headers-20011229 - OpenGL headers from Microsoft(TM) for Windows development with Mingw
newvox-1.0 - Voxel-style landscape rendering fly-by
qglviewer-1.3 - Use OpenGL to play around with three dimensional scenes
drm-kmod-0.9.5_1 - A FreeBSD kernel modules for 3d acceleration with the DRI
gsculpt-0.3 - An Opensource 3D modelling application
truevision-0.3.10 - The GNOME 3D modeler
landscape-0.5.1_1 - A program for generating and rendering landscapes
kisomandel-0.66 - A fractal rendering program with nice 3d-display in realtime
openvrml-0.10.1 - VRML97 runtime and browser ("lookat")
gltk-1.1 - An OpenGL/Tk interface
gtkglarea-1.2.2 - An OpenGL widget for the GTK+ GUI toolkit
glclock-5.0_1 - OpenGL Spinning pocketwatch demo and benchmark utility
linux-bmrt-2.6beta - A collection of rendering programs that use the RenderMan interface
molden-3.7 - Display molecular orbitals and electron densities in 2D and 3D
morpheus-0.3 - A mesh (3D model) viewer for GNOME desktop
opengl-man-657 - Section 3 manpages for OpenGL: gl, glx, glu, gle, glut
p5-GD-Graph3d-0.55 - Creates 3D charts with GD::Graph and GD
pvmpov-3.1e.2 - Distributed rendering package for Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
togl-1.5 - A Tk OpenGL widget
mtvraytrace - A ray-tracing package {oss}
Freedom VR - Java applet replacement for Quicktime VR for 3-d objects and panoramas {GPL}
vhclmaps - 2d/3d map viewer clients and vehicle simulation server. {BSD-like}
Quat - Generation of 3d fractal images (Julia Sets using Quaternions) {x,GPL}
Sced - modelling program that makes use of geometric constraints {x,GPL}
MindsEye - 3D modelling program for Linux {x,GPL}
3dom - A general purpose 3d object modeler. {x,GPL}
mg^2 - 3D modeller for X11 using Gtk, Glib, Imlib, Gtk glarea, andMesa/OpenGL {x,GPL}
MagicLight - A 3D modeler and renderer for Linux and Windows {x,GPL}
Superficie - A program for basic 3D surfaces viewing and manipulation. {x,GPL}
k3de - 3Deditor for the KDE which generates sources for POVray {x,GPL}
3D Home Design Suite Deluxe 4.0
CAD 3D / Landscape Design 3D (Jewel Case)
Home Design 3D / Landscape Design 3D (Jewel Case)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 Professional
LightWave 3D 7 USB Upgrade from 6
LightWave.3D 7.0 Full USB with CD/Manual/Dongle
Eias 2.9/Modeler Upgrade to Universe 3.0 MAC 9.0+
Universe 3.0 Upgrade from EIAS 2.8/2.9 or Older
LightWave 3D 6.5 Upgrade from 4.0
Motion Pack for Intel Plug In for Lightwave 5.0/5.5
Blender - Extremely fast and versatile 3D Rendering Package {x,Freeware}
Panard Vision Realtime 3D Engine {x,free to use but restricted}
Megahedron - Multifaceted Rendering, Animation, Simulation, and Virtual Reality Software {x,commercial}
Enter3D Project - Large-scale multiuser persistent real-time 3D world [X] {GPL}
geomview-1.6.1 - an interactive viewer for 3- and 4-D geometric objects
3dPM - Modeller for Povray 3 [X] {GPL}
Mops - 3D modeling environment written in C with Tcl/Tk. [X] {GPL}
LightWave 3D 6.X Upgrade to 7.0 Mac USB with CD/Manual
LightWave 3D 7 USB Upgrade from 4.X/5.X
Glide for 3dfx hardware - Glide is a library for using 3dfx hardware. This project will be the public repository for Glide.
DemoGL Utility Library - C/C++ library with functions and datastructures which come in handy with 3D programming. F.e. it contains a 3Dstudio MAX' ASE importer/compiler, vectormath functions etc. It's developed as an add-on library for DemoGL, but can be used by any other prog {BSD-like}
The GLE Tubing and Extrusion Library - GLE is a library of C functions that draw extruded surfaces, including surfaces of revolution, sweeps, tubes, polycones, polycylinders and helicoids. GLE uses the OpenGL(R) API to perform the actual rendering. {oss}
The GLOW Toolkit - The GLOW Toolkit is a cross-platform user interface framework for building interactive applications using OpenGL or similar APIs. It provides an object-oriented API and an extensible library of cross-platform widgets. {(L)GPL}
OpenPTC - OpenPTC is a portable frame-buffer library for computer graphics programmers (C/C++/Java) {(L)GPL}
cybervrml97-1.0.6 - A development library of VRML97/2.0 applications
glui-2.1 - GLUT-based C++ user interface library
glass-1.1.2 - GLASS (openGL Articulated Structure System) is a 3D library
ray++-0.4 - A collection of C++ classes needed for ray tracing
linux_dri-4.1.0 - Binary Linux DRI libraries for 3D hardware acceleration of linux apps
ruby-math3d-0.02 - A Ruby library for mathematics for 3D graphics
Glide3-64Bit-20010331 - 3dfx 3d graphics library
gle-3.0.3 - A GL Tubing and Extrusion Library
lib3ds-1.2.0 - A library for handling 3DS (3D Studio) files
libmorph-0.1.2 - A library for loading (and saving) 3d models (3d modeller object files)
p5-GtkGLArea-0.7004 - The OpenGL widget module of Gtk-Perl
py-opengl-1.5.7 - An OpenGL (and related library) interface for Python
QDraw-0.7 - Library for hardware accelerated 3D graphics
sdl_image-1.2.2 - A simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces
threeDS-0.3.1 - A Python module and viewer for loading and displaying models in 3DS format
view3ds-1.0.0 - A simple realtime 3DS file previewer based on the Lib3ds Library
libaux-1.0 - A Nano Window Toolkit and Auxiliary Library for OpenGL
gl_plot - GL Graphics Library for AT-clone Unix {oss}
gleem - , gleem: OpenGL Extremely Easy-to-use Manipulators is a small, self-contained C++ library of 3D Widgets that support direct user interaction with a 3D scene. {GPL,GNU}
Related Subjects (default selections) |
(The following links to subjects at this site retain your personalized selections.)
Numeric Data Visualization - Numeric Data Visualization. Graphing equations and other data.
See also: Graphical Output - Generating Graphical output and images
External Categories |
freshmeat.net : Topic : Multimedia : Graphics : 3D Rendering
freshmeat.net : Topic : Multimedia : Graphics : 3D Modeling
Yahoo! Computers and Internet:Graphics:3D
Yahoo! Computers and Internet:Graphics:Ray Tracing
Yahoo! Computers and Internet:Graphics:Visualization
Yahoo! Computers and Internet:Internet:World Wide Web:Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)
Yahoo! Computers and Internet:Multimedia:Virtual Reality
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/apps/graphics/modeling/ - 3D modeling tools
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/apps/graphics/modeling/irit/ - freeware solid modeler
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/apps/graphics/rays/ - ray-tracing programs
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/apps/graphics/rays/pov/ - point of view raytracer and utilities
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