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Programmer's Webliography and Index

RocketAware: Mission
Once you have software, you need the knowledge to use it.
Our mission is to provide the fastest way to information needed by software users and developers. (Of course, we list software too!)

This is a piloted orbit of RocketAware. By


People depend on the services I control. I can't be playing "upgrade of the week" or "try this, try that" games. I want stuff that just works. Zero downtime, low load, 24x7 uptime, low maintenance.

Picks: Established, Integrated, Workhorse, Servers

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RocketAware: Status
Welcome to a fresh new site! There are now more than 15,000 off-site links organized by subject into more than 200 categories, and we've been adding 1,000 items a month.

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By activity
Professions, Sciences, Humanities, Business, ...

User Interface
Text-based, GUI, Audio, Video, Keyboards, Mouse, Images,...

Text Strings
Conversions, tests, processing, manipulation,...

Integer, Floating point, Matrix, Statistics, Boolean, ...

Algorithms, Memory, Process control, Debugging, ...

Stored Data
Data storage, Integrity, Encryption, Compression, ...

Networks, protocols, Interprocess, Remote, Client Server, ...

Hard World
Timing, Calendar and Clock, Audio, Video, Printer, Controls...

File System
Management, Filtering, File & Directory access, Viewers, ...

RocketAware Orbits RocketAware Orbits are viewable subsets of the complete categories.
Use one of the piloted orbits to see items matching preferred characteristics. Or pilot your own orbit for full control over what RocketAware shows you first. (On page links make it simple to jump from a piloted orbit to narrow or expand the listing.)
(for Rocket development)
Building Blocks,
Clean, Reusable
Open Source,
Industry consensus,
Unix, Perl
(for MIS)
for Home, Small
Office, and Personal
the Fresh, Flashy,
& Funky
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RocketAware TreeBrowse or navigate the RocketAware subject categories
These nine headings are the top branches of RocketAware. Some visitors prefer starting at a more extensive category map

[icon]By Activity
(30 sub-categories)
Software for a particular setting, application, or profession.
[Business, Professional, Science, Education, Software development, games, editors, Electronic commerce, www, ...more...]
[icon]User Interface
(24 sub-categories)
Presentation and User Interface
[Text and Graphical user interfaces, Audio, Video, Keyboards, Mouse and pointers, Printing, Image editors and manipulation, Locale, ...more...]
[icon]Text Strings
(9 sub-categories)
Character and string processing
[String-Integer conversions, String-Non-integer conversions, Character tests and operations (isupper, tolower, etc), NUL terminated string processing, File path string manipulation, ...more...]
(11 sub-categories)
Math and numeric processing
[Integer, Floating point, Spreadsheets, Random, Trig, Combinations, Statistics, Boolean, Matrix, Data visualization, ...more...]
(30 sub-categories)
Data, processing, and control
[Algorithms, Data structures, Memory, Process control, Process limits, Debugging, Error handling, Argument processing, ...more...]
[icon]Stored Data
(10 sub-categories)
Externally stored and transmitted data
[Databases, Data integrity, Encryption, Compression, Program configuration, Formats, ...more...]
(33 sub-categories)
Remote and Local Process Communications
[Networking, Interprocess communication, Remote Procedure Calls, Signals, Client Server, hostname, sockets, data and file transfer, protocols, ...more...]
[icon]Hard World
(8 sub-categories)
Real-Time processing, Device access
[Low level hardware access, Timing, Calendar and Time of Day, Audio, Video, Printer, ...more...]
[icon]File System
(15 sub-categories)
File and Directory processing
[File management, Filtering, Streams, Directory access, File system management, File viewers, ...more...]

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Copyright 1999, Forrest J. Cavalier III. All Rights Reserved.
We welcome submissions and comments