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RFC1921 TNVIP Protocol. [c. 1996/03/01]
My program's prompts and intermediate output don't always show up on the screen. []
How can I read one character at a time, without waiting for the RETURN key? []
I'm re-prompting the user if scanf fails, but sometimes it seems to go into an infinite loop. []
Will fflush(stdin) flush unread characters from the standard input stream? []
How can I read a single character from the keyboard without waiting for the RETURN key? []
How can I find out how many characters are available for reading, or do a non-blocking read? []
How can I clear the screen, or print things in inverse video, or move the cursor? []
How can I trap or ignore keyboard interrupts like control-C? []
How do I send escape sequences to control a terminal or other device? []
Unix Programming FAQ Terminal I/O []
Unix Programming FAQ How can I make my program not echo input? []
Unix Programming FAQ How can I read single characters from the terminal? []
Unix Programming FAQ How can I check and see if a key was pressed? []
Unix Programming FAQ How can I move the cursor around the screen? []
Unix Programming FAQ What are pttys? []
Unix Programming FAQ How to handle a serial port or modem? []
Unix Programming FAQ Setting up termios []
Unix Programming FAQ Setting up termios c_oflag []
Unix Programming FAQ Setting up termios c_cflag []
Unix Programming FAQ Setting up termios c_lflag []
Unix Programming FAQ Setting up termios c_cc []
Unix Programming FAQ How do I get a user's password? []
Free Host-Based TN3270 Solution? [2002/05/06]
Thin Clients in a Computer Lab Environment? [2002/02/28]
"Thin Clients" that Support Linux and Windows? [2002/01/09]
The Thin-Client Challenge? [2001/11/14]
Properly Configuring Terminal Emulation in Unix? [2001/10/29]
In Search of Knowledge on Tandberg ErgoStations? [2001/06/11]
Legacy X-Terminal Software? [2001/06/03]
Cheap Homemade X-Terminals? [ 2000/05/05]
How can I set up my console screen to do 80x50?I'm tired of seeing the standard 80x24 lines. [ 2000/04/01]
How do I use scon to configure the text console on OpenBSD 2.5? [ 2000/01/01]
Linux-Based Thin X-Terminals? [ 1999/10/09]
Simple Terminals w/ Small Footprints? [ 1999/09/01]
I just installed NetBSD 1.4.1, and I want 50 line text screens again. [ 1999/09/01]
How can I increase my number of ptys? [ 1999/04/01]
info_mkdb(1) - create capability database {oss}
cap_mkdb(1) - create capability database {oss}
pstat(8) - display system data structures {oss}
ttyflags(8) - set device-specific flags for terminals {oss}
getty(8) - set terminal mode {oss}
ispcvt(8) - verify if current video driver is pcvt driver {oss}
stty(1) - set the options for a terminal device interface {oss}
vt220keys(1) - define SHIFTED function keys on VT220 terminal {oss}
vttest(1) - test VT100-type terminal {oss}
lock(1) - reserve a terminal {oss}
mset(1) - retrieve ASCII to IBM 3270 keyboard map {oss}
tset reset - terminal initialization {oss}
tty(1) - return user's terminal name {oss}
Console Telnet for Win32 - Console telnet is a full screen (console) telnet client for MS Win32 environments. It supports ANSI (color) and VT100/102 (scores 91 on vttest). It has mouse, clipboard, and scrollback support, and can run full-screen or in a window. {(L)GPL}
Dave's Telnet - dtelnet: A Free Telnet Client for Windows 3.1/95/NT Emulates terminal types 'linux' and 'vt100', talks protocols 'telnet' and 'login'. {(L)GPL}
Termutils - package contains programs for controlling terminals. 'tput' is a portable way for shell scripts to use special terminal capabilities. 'tabs' is a program to set hardware terminal tab settings. {GPL,GNU}
screen - is a terminal multiplexer that runs several separate 'screens' (ttys) on a single character-based terminal. {GPL,GNU}
zh-tw-rxvt-2.6.4 - A low memory usage xterm replacement that supports color
zh-aterm-0.4.2 - A color vt102 terminal emulator with transparency support
ruby-termios-20001115_1 - A Ruby interface to termios
multi-gnome-terminal-1.3.13 - Gnome tabbed terminal emulator
mlterm-2.3.1_1 - Multilingual X11 terminal emulator
libslang-1.4.5 - Routines for rapid alpha-numeric terminal applications development
fr-xtel-3.3.0_2 - An emulator for the french Minitel
fressh-0.8.1 - A free rewritten implementation of the SSH communication protocol
rdesktop-1.0.0.p19.7.6 - RDP client for Windows NT Terminal Server
openssh-portable-3.1p1_3 - The portable version of OpenBSD's OpenSSH
ja-kterm16c-6.2.0 - An xterm that speaks Japanese with 16 colors like on a VGA
powershell-0.8 - PowerShell is a terminal emulator for the X11 Window System
zh-cn-rxvt-2.6.4 - A low memory usage xterm replacement that supports color
de-citrix_ica-6.20.974 - Citrix(R) client for the Microsoft Windows Terminal Server
gnometelnet-2.4 - A nice frontend to the telnet, ssh, and rlogin clients for GNOME
OpenSSH-askpass- - Graphical password applet for entering SSH passphrase
ecu-4.30 - Extended Call Utility
gone-1.3.4 - A terminal locking utility with many improvements over lock(1)
unclutter-8 - Remove idle cursor image from screen.
Mterm.C - Micro terminal (comm) program - use with X00 package from snippets
vt100tool - VT100TOOL for Sun's {oss}
pty4 - Generalized interface to pseudo-tty devices {oss}
modemcap - Hardware-independant modem routines {oss}
determcap - Decomposing termcaps {oss}
qterm - Query terminal for its type {oss}
untic - Decompile terminfo description file. {oss}
ultrix-modem - UUCP/CU access on one modem {oss}
dial.sample - Example dial script. {oss}
vtem - A VT100 emulator based on termcap {oss}
vtrm - A Unix/PC virtual terminal package {oss}
bl_lock - dumb(sic) terminal screen lock utility, {oss}
sysVdial - System V generic dial routines {oss}
4.3autobaud - Baud rate detection for 4.3BSD {oss}
dialout - BSD4.3 Kernel changes for dial in/out on modem lines {oss}
modempool - modem pool handler, with dialback {oss}
TCtoTI - Termcap to terminfo conversion program {oss}
pcomm/patch1 - Dial out and terminal emulator, Patch1 {oss}
qterm.alt - Query terminal for its type {oss}
vttest - Test VT100 Features {oss}
lib_term - Datum entry using termcap {oss}
mytinfo - a replacement for terminfo and termcap {oss}
xterm-146.tgz - a newer version of xterm
Xterminal - Object Oriented User Interface with a client-serverarchitecture {x,GPL}
minicom - Serial communication program {GPL}
lsh - GPL'd implementation of SSH. {GPL}
termpkg - Poor Man's Terminal Server {GPL}
The Java Telnet Applet - Fully featured telnet program for WWW-Browsers {GPL}
xterm - A terminal emulator for the X Window System {x,MIT}
Eterm - An X11 VT102 emulator with Enlightenment features {x,GPL}
Term For Unix/Xenix386 6.2.5 Workstation At&T Int Sco
Reflection Unix/Open VMS MS 32BIT
NetVista Thin Client Manager 2.1 AS/400 Strong
NetVista Thin Client Manager 2.1
e-Vantage Enterprise Viewer 2.2
e-Vantage Enterprise Viewer 2.2 Upgrade
pr-1.1 - A daemon that connects local terminal device to a terminal server
e-Vantage Enterprise Viewer 2.2 (Migration)
Chameleon Hostlink 97 8.0 (10-user)
Ns/Portfolio Enterprise For Win 3.1 (1-user)
Ns/Portfolio For Mainframe 3.1 Win (1-user)
zh-crxvt-2.10-2.tgz - Chinese(Big5) VT100 terminal emulator for X
BTERM - BTERM is a small VT320 terminal emulator. {free for non-commercial use}
settrans - A Simple Program To Set Your Terminal Translation
Ns/Portfolio Select For AS/4003.1 Win (1-user)
wterm - Bitching X11 terminal emulator
GemVT {x,unknown}
lrzsz-0.12.20 - Receive/Send files via X/Y/ZMODEM protocol. (unrestrictive)
MindTerm - SSH-client in pure Java, includes stand-alone ssh- and terminal(vt100)-packages {GPL}
ktelnet-2.0.43 - A Frontend for telnet, rlogin, ssh in K Desktop Environment
zh-rxvt-2.7.5 - A low memory usage xterm replacement that supports color & chinese
Reflection for Unix/Open VMS.MS 32BIT Upgrade
Ns/Router Portfolio 3.1 Win (1-user)
Chameleon Unixlink 97 8.0 (1-user)
PC-Xware Suite 3.0 For F/Window Competitive Upgrade
Chameleon Hostlink 97 8.0 (50-user)
Chameleon Hostlink 97 8.0 (100-user)
NS/Portfolio for AS/400 3.1.2 Update Upgrade
NS/Portfolio For AS/400 3.1 Competitive Upgrade
NS/Portfolio Select AS/400 3.1 Update Upgrade (50-pack)
NS/Portfolio For AS/400 Upgrade
Netvista Thin Client Express Utilities for V2R
Kealink! Lat Win95 3.01 (Migration, Add-On)
SmarTerm Office (100-user Multi-Pack)
SmarTerm Office (250-user Multi-Pack)
Tiny Term Plus 3.2 For DOS Net/Ser TCP/IP Ftp Emul (5-user)
Tiny Term Plus 3.2 For DOS Net/Ser TCP/IP Ftp Emu (20-user)
Communications Server 6.1 Upgrade OS/2 Program Pack with 1 Server Install & 1 Concurrent
cgetent cgetset cgetmatch cgetcap cgetnum cgetstr cgetustr cgetfirst cgetnext cgetclose (3) - capability database access routines {oss}
ttyname isatty ttyslot (3) - get name of associated terminal (tty) from file descriptor {oss}
ctermid (3) - generate terminal pathname {oss}
editline el_init el_end el_reset el_gets el_getc el_push el_parse el_set el_source el_resize el_line el_insertstr el_deletestr history_init history_end history (3) - line editor and history functions {oss}
openpty login_tty forkpty (3) - tty utility functions {oss}
getpass (3) - get a password {oss}
kgetent kgetnum kgetflag kgetstr (3) - routines for accessing the keycap database {oss}
keyok (3) - enable or disable a keycode {oss}
tcsendbreak tcdrain tcflush tcflow (3) - line control functions {oss}
tgetent tgetnum tgetflag tgetstr tgoto tputs (3) - terminal independent operation routines {oss}
stty gtty (3) - set and get terminal state (defunct) {oss}
getttyent getttynam setttyent endttyent (3) - get ttys file entry {oss}
setupterm setterm set_curterm del_curterm restartterm tparm tputs putp vidputs vidattr mvcur tigetflag tigetnum tigetstr (3) - interfaces to the terminfo database {oss}
libzvt-1.114.0 - Library components for Zed's Virtual Terminal
terminality-2.0 - A cross-platform terminal manipulation library
p5-IO-Tty-0.04 - Flexible I/O Perl5 module that allows manipulation of pseudo-TTYs
p5-Term-ReadKey-2.14 - A perl5 module for simple terminal control
Ptty - Run a process on a pseudo-terminal. [Perl] {oss}
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(The following links to subjects at this site retain your personalized selections.)
See also Curses - Curses (Library for text display interfaces)
See also: Keyboard Interfaces
Up to Communications
See also User Interface - Gateway topic to presentation (like printing and graphics) and user interface routines. Textual User Interfaces Curses et al.
External Categories |
freshmeat.net : Topic : Terminals : Terminal Emulators/X Terminals
(Metalab at UNC) /pub/linux/X11/terms/ - X terminals (xterm, rxvt, mxterm, etc)
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